A Letter from our Founder

Abraham Lincoln once said "It´s not the years in your life that count it is the life in your years." Reading this quote recently got me thinking about how my own life would be so very different if I was not afforded and had not taken advantage of certain opportunities growing up. Looking back at those formidable teenage years, I now realize how fortunate I was to have the chance to play team sports, participate in school activities and apply (and in some cases even get accepted) to the colleges of my choice. In short, I was lucky in that I had both the opportunity and the motivation to put the "life in my years."

I am happy to report that your donations to A Bridge for Kids have enabled us to provide manyopportunities to a growing list of motivated teens. This month you can read about Armand, a refugee from the Congo, and how we found him a generous sponsor who was willing to pay his travel expenses to attend a prestigious MIT engineering camp. You can also read about Richard, an aspiring biochemist, and how a helping hand from another donor will better prepare him to succeed at Swarthmore College this fall.

Finally, as many of you already know, A Bridge for Kids is made up entirely of volunteers and 100% of all donations go directly to the teenagers in need. This allows us to provide more opportunities to more motivated teens. It has also not gone unnoticed in the community. Read more about what people are saying about the work that we have done.

Thank you for your continued support,Michael NanceFounder and CEO

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