Yale Bound- Local Teen Turns Dream into Reality

When A Bridge for Kids first created partnerships with San Diego schools, the students most frequently nominated for sponsorships were juniors and seniors, students who benefitted most immediately from funds supporting college exams, entrance fees, and campus tours. A little over 4 years ago, A Bridge for Kids recognized that we could significantly impact the future of the teens we help if we could begin providing sponsorships to ninth graders and support them throughout their high school journey, beginning early to assist their development into strong college applicants. One of our first ninth graders to be sponsored was Victor.When A Bridge for Kids first met Victor in December, 2014, he was a very shy, quiet ninth grader who knew that excelling in school and going to college was his priority.  While he had a loving and supportive family, his parents’ income was such that funds were quite tight; and his ability to explore extracurricular activities and develop his non-academic interests was severely limited. His sponsorship over four years allowed him to explore interests such as Hip-Hop dancing and photography and to pay for many other needs such as back to school supplies, a laptop, a calculator, clothes, swim team expenses, senior expenses, and SAT study books and fees. Additionally, Victor took advantage of ABFK programs by taking the SAT course and East Coast college campus tour we offer our teens free of charge.Today, Victor is a self-assured, outgoing young man who not only demonstrated academic excellence throughout his high school years, but also became a class leader and captain of his swim team. His academic success, earning a 4.77 GPA, was recognized not only within school, as he received multiple academic awards; but outside of school as well when he received recognition as one of several “exceptional seniors who have made an impact in their home, school, and community with sincerity and passion” from the Escondido Chamber of Commerce.All of Victor’s hard work and dedication payed off, as he now iseagerly looking forward to attending Yale University having been offered a very generous academic scholarship that will pay 94% of the cost of attending. We are incredibly proud of Victor and wish him great success on the next leg of his academic journey.Victor is just one of many success stories A Bridge for Kids has seen develop during the past 6 years. Thank you for all of our supporters who have generously donated and helped to make our teens dreams come true.“I am so grateful to have a community and family in the A Bridge for Kids organization. I would be nowhere if it weren’t for the dedication, motivation, and care of the sponsors. I made so many close friends on the East Coast trip and we still keep in contact! I couldn’t have asked for a better family to share my high school experience with.“ VICTOR TORRES, ESCONDIDO CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL | YALE CLASS OF 2022  


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Teens Gearing Up for College Campus Tours