Remembering Richard Vu

A Journey of Self-Improvement and Compassion

Last month, A Bridge for Kids lost a great friend and the first student we sponsored in our inaugural year of 2012. Richard Vu was as kind, compassionate, and generous as any to walk before him, and it is with heavy hearts that we acknowledge his passing. A Bridge for Kids mourns the loss of Richard, who was a shining example of resilience, compassion, and academic excellence. His absence leaves a void in our community, but his legacy serves as an inspiration for all who had the privilege of knowing him. As we honor Richard's memory, we reflect on his impact and the profound lessons he imparted to us all.

In the corridors of Preuss High School, Richard stood out not just as a co-valedictorian, but as an inspiration to his peers, leaving a mark on all who had crossed his path. Richard's academic prowess was unparalleled. He was the quintessential straight-A student, consistently topping his class and excelling in every academic endeavor. However, what really set Richard apart was his insatiable thirst for growth, not only within the confines of the classroom but also as a person.

One of his peers reflects, "You have this straight-A student, your basic bookworm, but then he started getting jacked!" Michael Nance, A Bridge for Kids Founder, remembers the first item Richard and the organization ever purchased, "he bought a pull-up bar for his house and I must admit I found it a little humorous that this scrawny kid with no athletic interests was going to use his money to buy something that I just assumed he would never use. Boy, I was wrong! He would use that bar every day for the next many years and I truly believe it changed his life for the better."

Richard's decision to prioritize physical health alongside his academic pursuits underscored his holistic approach to self-improvement. Moreover, his desire to break out of his shell and cultivate social connections revealed a depth of character that transcended mere academic achievement.

Richard's character was just as remarkable as his academic excellence. Described as the epitome of purity, he possessed an innate kindness and selflessness that endeared him to all who knew him. His peer recalls, "The best way to describe Richard is as the purest soul. He never talked badly about anybody and always wanted to help others." His altruistic nature manifested in his relentless pursuit of self-improvement for the betterment of those around him. "Richard was fluent in Spanish. He would listen to Mexican radio stations, watch TV shows in Spanish, and try hard to learn the language so that he could have conversations with more people in San Diego. He always wanted to spread happiness wherever he went, and by learning Spanish, he was able to spread that to corners of San Diego which he wasn't able to before."

Despite his immense potential for lucrative career paths, Richard chose a different trajectory, opting to teach in inner-city schools after graduating from Swarthmore. This decision spoke volumes about his values and priorities, emphasizing his commitment to serving communities in need. "He could've worked at NASA, he could've worked at Google... He ended up teaching high school in inner cities in Philly... I think this says a lot about the values he held close and what he saw was important."

"Something I learned from Richard was that a person as smart and as accomplished as Richard could be so humble," shares another one of his peers. Despite his considerable accomplishments, his humility serves as a reminder of the true essence of kindness and greatness - service to others.

Richard's selfless acts of kindness, from aiding the homeless to learning Spanish to connect with others, exemplify the transformative power of compassion. Though no longer with us, Richard's spirit lives on in the hearts of those he touched and will be an inspiration for generations to come.


Richard Vu Scholarship Announcement


Random Acts of Kindness