My mother’s unwavering dedication has been the backbone of our family’s journey. Despite the challenges of living in a third-world country, she continued to work tirelessly to put food on the table for my grandmother, uncle, me, and herself. Her selfless nature is evident in her inclination to prioritize others before herself. I recall her not buying anything for herself and skipping some meals to save up for a backpack and shoes so I could blend in with other kids at my school. I spent most of my childhood with my grandmother as my mother worked from dawn till dusk. The situation became more challenging as my grandmother battled sickness and paralysis, intensifying my mother’s responsibility as she juggled work and caregiving. Providing healthcare is a difficult task in a third-world country. The unaffordability of medical expenses and limited accessibility to advanced technology made it impossible to cure my grandmother. As a result, a majority of my mother’s income went to my grandmother’s hospital bills, leaving little financial breathing room for my mother and me.

Our struggle continued to persist even with our migration to America. 15 hours after landing, my mother received the devastating news of my grandmother passing. This was the hardest time of her life as she had to leave her mother for a new life only for her to pass away. After the news, my mother borrowed money from friends and family for a ticket back for a final farewell to her mother. The financial strain grew as when returned to America with debt from her friends and family. It took a long time for her to pay people back as finding employment was not an easy task due to the language barrier.

My mother would continue to work two jobs as a nail technician. Working Monday through Sunday, she is determined to ensure our family’s financial stability. Beneath the surface of her strong work ethic lies a silent sacrifice. As a nail technician, my mother is exposed to toxic chemicals in the nail products she uses daily. The fumes pose a constant threat to her health, damaging her body with every breath. The dedication to providing for our family comes at the cost of her well-being. Yet, my mother continues to endure as she prioritizes our family’s needs over her health.

Given the already difficult circumstances posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, my mother and I found ourselves in a situation where we were kicked out of our home. During this time, my mother’s constant concern revolved around securing shelter, ensuring we had a place to sleep, and ensuring we both ate. This was the most desperate time of her life as she tirelessly searched for affordable housing options, but financial constraints limited her choices. The look of stress on my mother’s face while we drove around San Diego and called everybody we knew in search of a place to stay was the toughest challenge I have ever faced. I felt helpless, but giving up was not a choice, and supporting her was my priority. My mother and I hesitated to discuss the situation with anyone due to embarrassment. The only person I felt at ease confiding in and seeking assistance with was my teacher who has been my constant support since sixth grade. He assisted me in getting a WiFi hotspot which helped us access the internet during this time. Fortunately, the San Diego Food Bank distributed prepared meals as we had nowhere to cook. We would drive to the food bank to pick up milk, fruits, snacks, and sandwiches that would get us throughout the day.

Despite these hardships, my mother refused to let homelessness affect my academics. She encouraged me to maintain my determination and resilience. She made me adopt a strict schedule of going to classes, studying, and using the public library to do homework. Her encouragement served as a motivating force that kept me going during this difficult time and taught me valuable lessons about perseverance. Through her positive attitude and actions, my mother transformed a challenging chapter into a narrative of strength and resilience. Her commitment is not just about putting food on the table, it is a testament to the love and selflessness that define her role as a mother. The sacrifices made to provide a better life for her family reflect the depth of her devotion.

A “hand up” will significantly ease her financial burden as it will help her pay bills. Currently, she is in search of a new car and additional funds would help her significantly in her search for a new car. The money would also help with rent as housing in San Diego keeps increasing in expenses. I am working over 20 hours a week to alleviate some of the financial stress on her and a “hand up” would also help me as balancing school, work, sports, and volunteering is very stressful. This would afford my mother the precious gift of time that will allow her to reduce her working shifts, allowing her to prioritize self-care and do things she truly loves.