5/11 Arete, 4-7 PM
ABFK STUDENTS: Don't miss your chance to come rock climbing this SUNDAY, May 11th, from 4-7 PM at Vertical Hold 2074 Hancock St - a ten-minute walk off the trolley!
Attending this event will earn you 15 points for our Health & Wellness Scoreboard.
Sign up now as there is a limited amount of students we can take - 12 MAX! To sign up please complete all three of the following. EVERYONE WILL NEED A NEW WAIVER FOR VERTICAL HOLD!
Vertical Hold Waiver, fill out online.
Vertical Hold ABFK Waiver, fill out and email back to amow@abridgeforkids.org with “Arete” in the Subject Line.
Lastly, please fill out this short Google Form.