Chollas Lake Park!

This upcoming event is something new that we have never done before, but everyone has done and should continue to do every day! 

Lace up those running shoes and get ready to earn 50 Health & Wellness points. The more you run, the more points you get! 

We will be meeting this Sunday (2/28) at noon at the beautiful Chollas Lake Park, and will be running laps around the lake! Every lap around the lake (0.8 miles) you will receive 8 Health & Wellness points!!!! That means every mile you run or walk will be worth 10 POINTS! The maximum amount of points you can get from this event will be 50 points but you are welcome to run more! 

If you have existing commitments and can't make the event, don't worry! Just record your run on Strava (running app) and send me a screenshot of your run by the end of the day (see example in attachments).

RSVP to let me know you will be there! 


5/11 Arete, 4-7 PM


4/21 Arete, 4-7 PM