A Bridge for Kids Helps Low-Income Students Succeed with ACT/SAT Prep Program

Submitting college entrance exam scores, such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the American College Test (ACT), is a crucial component of the college application process. These tests help admissions departments evaluate high school applicants’ readiness for college. However, low-income students often cannot afford to take expensive prep classes that are available to their more affluent peers. A Bridge for Kids aims to address this disadvantage by funding an SAT/ACT Preparatory Program for its sponsored high school students.

The SAT/ACT Preparatory Program is designed to provide low-income students with access to prep classes that will help them achieve competitive scores on their entrance exams. The program is crucial for closing the gap between families that can afford a preparatory program and those that cannot. With access to this program, low-income students have a fair chance of achieving the scores they are capable of, which is critical during the college admissions process.

The program includes a 6-week tutoring session taught by Revolution Prep, during which students attend online, live classes that accommodate their schedules. Students may choose either the SAT or ACT tutoring, and a representative from Revolution Prep will help them sign up for the course. The program is highly effective, with almost all students who complete the class seeing an improvement in their scores. Some students have even seen increases of 250 points or more.

A Bridge for Kids scholars who have benefited from the program have been admitted to prestigious universities such as Yale, UCLA, Claremont Mckenna, Stanford, Brown, Princeton, and Harvard, and have been offered scholarships based on their strong test scores.

Students who have taken the class have mentioned:

“My experience with the SAT/ACT prep class during my senior year provided me with a lot of reassurance and adequately prepared me for the exam. Seeing the costs for the SAT/ACT prep programs was always discouraging, so I was grateful for the opportunity A Bridge for Kids provided me. I was able to learn test strategies, utilize practice tests that familiarized me with the exam format, and improve my pace. The program gave me the support and reassurance I needed to complete the exam when I walked into the test center. As a current college student, I still apply the study tips and test strategies I learned in the prep program to my college exams.” 
– Claire Tran

“Without ABFK sponsorship, which includes tutoring and SAT and ACT prep classes, I wouldn’t be able to afford those classes on my own let alone know what to study for on the SAT. Attending those classes and receiving practice SATs helped me see what was on the test and what I struggled with. It helped me improve my score, and I’m grateful for this opportunity.” 
– Angel Alarcon

“The SAT course provided by A Bridge for Kids helped my scoring on the SAT dramatically. The six-week course helped give me a better understanding of how to take the SAT and answer the questions properly. The classes were valuable in scoring higher on the SAT which improved my chances of getting into harder universities. My score went from 1120 to 1260 after taking the class for six weeks.”
– Cassandra Anderson


ABFK Star of the Month: Joel Castro


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