ABFK Star of the Month: Thang Ho

Thang Ho is a remarkable student with a heart of gold and an unwavering determination to succeed. Despite facing significant challenges throughout his life, he has continuously strived to achieve his goals and make a positive impact on those around him. Thang's achievements in high school and at Harvard University are a testament to his hard work, dedication, and passion for making a difference.

During his high school years at Crawford High School (Class of 2021), Thang was involved in a variety of extracurricular activities that demonstrated his commitment to helping others. He was the president of a blood drive club called Peer Helping and organized several successful drives to collect blood for those in need. Thang also started a club called Clothes for Charity, where he collected clothes from his peers to donate to asylum seekers near the Mexican border. This initiative reflected his empathy and concern for those less fortunate than him, as he remembered feeling self-conscious about his own clothes when he was younger. In addition, Thang was also part of the district committee for student mental health and wellness, where he worked tirelessly to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining healthy habits and seeking help when needed.

Thang's academic achievements in high school were also impressive, and he graduated with top honors. As a result, Thang was awarded a full scholarship to attend Harvard University, where he has continued to excel. Despite the challenges of adjusting to a new environment, Thang has maintained a perfect 4.0 GPA in his first semester and has impressed his professors with his intellect and work ethic. Thang is currently a Computer Science major at Harvard and has already made significant contributions to the Harvard Association for US-China Relations, where he serves as the Junior Technology Director. He has designed a website for the organization and has worked to promote education and mentorship on an international level.

Thang's passion for promoting mental health and wellness has also continued at Harvard. He created a unique and innovative website with a pokemon theme, which encourages students to set daily goals and track their progress.

Thang's achievements are a testament to his exceptional abilities and his unwavering determination to make a positive impact on those around him. He is a role model for all students, demonstrating that with hard work, dedication, and a strong sense of purpose, anything is possible. Thang's journey is an inspiration to all who know him and serves as a reminder that anything is possible with a positive attitude and a commitment to excellence.


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