Sponsored! Sophia

Hello! My name is Sophia and I am a freshman at El Capitan High School in Lakeside. I am a trilingual student-athlete with the goal of attending a four-year university after high school. In my free time, I love spending time with my family. My immediate family consists of my mom, my dad, and my younger sister, however, I also spend lots of time with my extended family which includes my two youngest cousins, ages one and four. Family is one of the most important things to me, they are my biggest supporters and my number one fans, and they always know how to cheer me up if I’m feeling down. I love spending time with my two youngest cousins, they are so fun and cute, and I love watching them learn new things. During quarantine, I started teaching myself to bake and have learned many new recipes. I enjoy a day in the kitchen, listening to music, and baking delicious treats. I love being able to make, and share my treats with people, and bring a little joy to their day. Another thing I love to do is travel. I love visiting new places and would love to be able to do more international travel and learn about other cultures. My favorite place to visit is Washington State. A lot of my mom’s side of the family lives up there and I just love how green, and peaceful it is. When I am not baking, or traveling, I am mostly playing sports and participating in robotics. I play soccer and lacrosse, two very fun and competitive sports. I’ve played soccer since I was 4 years old, and have played lacrosse since 7th grade. My favorite part of being on a team is knowing that I have a group of people who will always support me, encourage me, and push me to do better. Even though I am only a freshman, I have already been able to establish two clubs at my school, robotics, and lacrosse, and I am helping establish lacrosse as a sport on campus. I am currently president of the lacrosse club, and vice president of the robotics club. Having these roles, especially during a year like 2020, has allowed me to strengthen my communication, time management, and collaboration skills. Having to adapt to doing many things online hasn’t always been easy, but I am able to persevere and find solutions.

As a student, I am focused, driven, and determined. I always have goals set for myself and push myself daily to accomplish them. One of my greatest strengths is my ability to persevere through anything and to self-motivate. Especially during this pandemic, I have made it a priority to find solutions to any and all problems I face; and to continually motivate and push myself to become a better student, athlete, and person. Ever since I was very little, I’ve had a desire to do well in school and achieve good grades. Currently, I have a 4.714 GPA and am ranked 5th in my class. I am taking multiple honors classes, including Spanish and Chinese classes. I am fluent in Spanish and am working toward becoming fluent in Chinese. Languages are a big part of who I am. I love being able to use the different languages to communicate with people around the world, and be able to understand them better, and on a more personal level. I also get to use my Spanish to communicate with some of my extended family. The next language I would like to learn is American Sign Language (ASL). One of my very best friend’s parents are both Deaf and she knows ASL. She introduced the language to me in fourth grade, and ever since then, I have had a desire to learn it fluently. I know that learning new languages will only benefit me in the grand scheme of things. My long-term goal is to attend a four-year university. From there I would like to have a good job where I can use my language skills to help others. As for careers, I am still unsure which I would like to pursue. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to become a teacher, but more recently I have become interested in the medical field, and its professions. I have looked at some colleges that I would like to attend, including Stanford University, Washington State University, and Clemson University. I know that whatever path I choose, I will be prepared to face any challenges associated.

Your sponsorship would help me in so many ways. I would be able to purchase school materials such as textbooks, a graphing calculator, and even a laptop. I would also be able to purchase sports equipment, like cleats, a bounce back, a new stick, and other equipment that would help me improve my skills and become a better player. I would also be able to use the money to help cover tournament fees, season registration, and summer camp fees. I have taken piano and violin lessons in the past, and I would love to be able to start doing that again. Not only would I be able to purchase things that would help me become more successful, I would also be able to attend events through A Bridge For Kids that would better prepare me for the future. These events might include SAT Prep, college tours, and the opportunity to speak with ABFK alumni about their experiences. This is a great opportunity for me to receive extra support to better myself, and to get even closer to reaching my goals. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to get to know me a bit better, and I hope you will consider me as a possible candidate.

Interested in sponsoring Sophia or just wanting to get more information about A Bridge for Kids? Please contact Grace Jo gjo@abridgeforkids.org and she will be happy to answer any questions you might have.


Sponsored! Kamila


Sponsor Wanted: Student Athlete Sets the Bar High