Sponsor Wanted: Student Athlete Sets the Bar High

Hello! My name is Lilian and I’m an eighth grader at The Preuss School UCSD. I know I have a long way to go, but I hope to continue on a good path to be successful at a four year university. For fun, I like to have movie nights with my sister. We watch a movie when everyone in the house is already asleep and stuff our faces with junk food like chips and candy. I also like to hang out with my friends and go to the mall and take photo booth pictures. Another thing I like to do for fun is bake. I may not be the best at it, but mixing all the ingredients is so satisfying and fun until I realize how many dishes I’ve used and dread the washing process.

As a student, some of my strengths include being a hardworking person who will get the job done. I listen, pay attention, and am eager to learn new things. Some of my weaknesses include public speaking and being a risk-taker. I hope to work on these weaknesses and improve over time. I’m an easy going person who likes to be occupied and enjoys reading. I like to read contemporary and fantasy books, switching between them from time to time. I’m the type of person who likes to always be doing something and having a task at hand. For example, I  have participated in my school’s future cities club for the past two years and this year, we won third place at the regional competition! I like the stress and pressure that challenges my creativity, time management, public speaking, and cooperation. As for my career goals, when I grow up I want to work in the medical field. I love the idea of helping others and making a difference in the world. I want to explore and learn all the aspects of the field, whether it’s in a lab or physically treating a patient, before deciding on a specific career. Next year, when I meet the age requirements, I plan to volunteer at a hospital to learn more about the profession.

My reason for sponsorship is to become a more well-rounded and active student. I want to take badminton or tennis lessons and possibly compete in tournaments. I also want to get a violin and sign up for violin lessons. With practice, I hope to audition and get into the Youth Symphony. One last thing I would do with the money is buy books. I love how books can take you into another world and you can learn through a character’s point of view. But, I have to admit, that I should read more. I hope to buy more books than what I have to motivate me to read more since a book would be sitting in front of my face. I think this would be a good experience and would benefit me in the future. I hope to continue working towards improving my weaknesses and developing new skills and habits that will make me a better student. Thank you for considering me as a Bridge for Kids applicant!

Lilian was sponsored 8/24/2018!


Sponsored! Sophia