
Hello, allow me to introduce myself, my name’s Mahamad Abdelkerim. I'm a 15-year-old high school student who attends Health Sciences High. I'm surrounded by a family of 5 which contains my mother, one brother, and two sisters. Our journey and immigration to the United States from the war-torn and dangerous environment of Sudan was driven by perseverance and resilience, which was a testament to the many Sudanese citizens to seek refuge and security placed in a country of conflict and chaos. Although I was young when I came to the United States the immigrant experience was still evident.

Going to Health Sciences High, I am surrounded in an environment of helpful mentorship and guidance, where the patient instructions of teachers and the unwavering support of staff serve as pillars of strength throughout my years in high school which lead to multiple academic achievements. Whether figuring out the answers of mathematical problems or bettering my skills on the basketball courts, I invest myself and time in the pursuit of getting better, driven by a passion and pursuit of becoming a better version of myself. I train not only my brain but also my body to adjust to my mindset. As the boundless expanse of the future unfolds before me, I find myself drawn to the crossroads of opportunity, where the pathways of computer science and real estate are both possibilities as my future career choice. Fueled by a steady curiosity and a passion for technology, I envision a future where I can understand the tools of technology and entrepreneurship to effect positive change in the world, leveraging my creative ingenuity and problem-solving awareness to create an impact and influence that goes beyond what I could’ve ever imagined for myself a couple years ago. Beyond the walls of a classroom, the world of sports stands as a safe space for me where I train my mental capacity, discipline, teamwork, and resilience. From the tiring training of skills needed on the basketball court to the intense concentration needed to play chess, I find it pretty easy and peaceful to do it all. Both offer their own unique blend of challenge, reward, struggle, and satisfaction.

In the eventful but rewarding journey of life, I'm really thankful for opportunities given by groups like Bridge For Kids. You guys focus on making us better students and people, helping us go beyond our limits and reach our full potential. You provide equipment such as computers, books, and sports gear that help us succeed in school and sports. I'm ready to do great in both academics and sports, thanks to them. I'm determined to make my dreams a reality and won't give up easily. As I look forward to the future, I'm grateful and excited. I can't wait to start the next part of my journey, feeling brave and sure about what's to come. I want to say thanks to you for joining me on this journey of finding out more about myself and growing. And thank you for the opportunity of a lifetime, you guys will help me achieve my goals that wouldn’t be possible without your support. Once again thank you.

